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Home Forums Fitness workout tips for people with bad knees?

  • KaLinda

    October 18, 2021 at 2:31 am

    When it comes to working out if you have “bad knees,” I would suggest a few things:

    1) Start off slow (and don’t feel bad about it). As the body gets stronger, many times people see an improvement in knee pain. If you need to hold onto the wall while you squat or reduce the depth of the squat or lunge, that is fine.

    2) Focus on form. Sometimes the knees are hurting because one muscle is too tight while another one isn’t strong enough, so the muscles aren’t moving in sync correctly. By focusing on form, you are helping to “put things in place” and tell the body the proper way to perform a movement. The MA60 program is great for developing this form.

    3) Stay mobile. Incorporating the mobility flows from the Elevate programs would be a great way to make sure that you are stretching all of your leg muscle groups.

    4) Don’t push through pain that you know doesn’t feel right. That’s your body saying “hold up a minute.” Take it easy for a few days with gentle stretches, epsom salt baths, and eating anti-inflammatory foods like garlic and ginger.

    These are just a few suggestions. Would love to hear yours from your own experience. Achy knees are very painful!

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