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TRU Transformation System - Level 1 (Phase 3)
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Welcome to Weeks 9-12! -
WARM-UPDynamic Warm-Up (Pre-Lift)
WEEK 9Day 1 - Lower Knee Dominant (Speed)
Day 2 - Upper (Speed)
Day 3 - Speed/Mobility
Day 4 - Lower Hip Dominant (Speed)
Day 5 - Upper (Speed)
WEEK 10Day 1 - Lower Knee Dominant (Speed)
Day 2 - Upper (Speed)
Day 3 - Speed/Mobility
Day 4 - Lower Hip Dominant (Speed)
Day 5 - Upper (Speed)
WEEK 11Day 1 - Total Download (ISO Strength)
Day 2 - Speed/Mobility
Day 3 - Total Download (ISO Strength)
Week 12Day 1 - Lower Knee Dominant (Isometric Strength)
Day 2 - Upper (Isometric Strength)
Day 3 - Speed/Mobility
Day 4 - Lower Hip Dominant (ISO Strength)
Day 5 - Upper (ISO Strength)
Session 16 of 20
In Progress
Day 1 – Lower Knee Dominant (Isometric Strength)
Equipment Required
Workout Breakdown
Please complete Dynamic Warm Up before starting workout
Circuit 1
Circuit 2
Circuit 3
Start Your Workout
Watch Tutorial Video
Exercise 1/1
3 Box Drops 16"-24"
- Goal is to "stick it" when you land
- Bring the arms back with the hips
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Watch Tutorial Video
Exercise 1/1
8 MB OH A-Skip in Place
- Goal is to stay vertical and prevent rib flaring
- Use a light ball (6-8lbs)
- Perform 8 skips per leg
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Watch Tutorial Video
Exercise 1/1
5 DB or Barbell Reverse Lunge 70% 1:3:1
- Perform 5 reps per side at a 1:3:1 tempo (hold for 3 seconds at the bottom)
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Watch Tutorial Video
Exercise 1/2
GH ISO Hold (0:20)
- Keep hips extended throughout the movement
- Hold for 20 seconds
Exercise 2/2
Spanish Squat ISO Hold (0:30)
- Use a heavy band
- Keep a straight line from knees to ankles and try to sit at a 90-degree angle (thighs parallel to floor)
- Hold for 30 seconds
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Watch Tutorial Video
Exercise 1/2
Box Lateral Step Down ISO Hold (0:20)
- Hold the weight in the goblet position or use a lighter weight to hold straight out for counterbalance
- Hold for 20 seconds per side
Exercise 2/2
All Four Belly Lift (0:30)
- In the "cat" position, shift forward and open up space between the scapula with your breath
- Hold for 30 seconds
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Watch Tutorial Video
Exercise 1/4
Banana ISO Hold (0:30)
- Arms above head is the hardest position
- Hold for 30 seconds
Exercise 2/4
10 Assisted Flexion Rolls
- Bring band to forehead
- Perform 10 reps
Exercise 3/4
8 Forearm Side Plank Pulse
- Feet are stacked, hips tucked under
- 8 reps per side
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Exercise 4/4
Modified Pigeon (1:00)
- Hold for 1 minute per side
- Do this last by itself!