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The Weight Room Program
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DAY 1: Lower Body ISO Strength -
DAY 2: Upper Body ISO Strength
DAY 3: Lower Body ISO Strength
DAY 4: Upper Body ISO Strength
WEEK TWOLower Body ISO Strength
Upper Body ISO Strength
Lower Body ISO Strength
Upper Body ISO Strength
WEEK THREEDAY 1: Lower Body Strength
DAY 2: Upper Body Strength
DAY 3: Lower Body Strength
DAY 4: Upper Body ISO Strength
WEEK FOURDay 1: Lower Body Strength
Day 2: Upper Body Strength
Day 3: Lower Body Strength
Day 4: Upper Body Strength
WEEK FIVELower Body French Contrast
Upper Body Complex
Lower Body French Contrast
Upper Body Complex
WEEK SIXLower Body French Contrast
Upper Body Complex
Lower Body French Contrast
Upper Body Complex
WEEK SEVENLower Body Speed
Upper Body Speed
Lower Body Speed
Upper Body Speed
WEEK EIGHTLower Body Speed
Upper Body Speed
Lower Body Speed
Upper Body Speed
Session 28 of 32
In Progress
Upper Body Speed
Equipment Required
Workout Breakdown
Circuit 3
Start Your Workout
Warm Up
- 3 Exercises / 2 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.
Exercise 1/3
10 Barbell Good Morning
- Everything stays neutral as you drive glutes back and throughout movement
- Set bar in between shoulder blades, slightly lower than you would for a squat
- Feel stretch in hamstrings as you go down and go into full hip extension when you come up
- Rack and unrack with both feet planted and hips under bar
Exercise 2/3
8 Barbell Behind the Neck Press
- For females, don't be afraid to go relatively light for this exercise.
- Focus on the mechanics and you will feel it.
Exercise 3/3
8 Cable Behind the Neck Pulldowns
- Keep core stacked
- May use overhand or underhand grip
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Circuit 1
- 3 Exercises / 3 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.
Exercise 1/3
10 MB Crunch w/ OH Throw
- Use a light med ball
- Your aim is explosive power
- Feet stay planted on the floor
Exercise 2/3
6 MB SA Chest Pass
- Step forward with leg closest to wall and push ball into wall with power, using rotation and keeping core engaged
- Find the obliques in this movement
Exercise 3/3
8 Cable Split Position SA Row w/ Rotation
- Go heavy with this movement
- Curl hips under and keep core engaged, especially as you rotate
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Circuit 2
- 4 Exercises / 3 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.

Exercise 1/4
8 DB Seated Alternating Shoulder Press
- Tuck hips under and keep core engaged
- Stay stable in scapula and "shoot dumbbell up to sky"
Exercise 2/4
30 Chatty Pulse
- Make straight line from shoulder to elbow, then 90 degrees from elbow to wrist
- Keep hips tucked under and elbows close to body
- Pulse up 30 times
Exercise 3/4
10 DB Bent Over Alternating Rows
- Hips stay square to ground
- Row, keeping elbow close to body, and find obliques as you row
- 10 reps per arm
Exercise 4/4
20 Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown Pulse
- Keep core stacked and hips curled under
- Go heavy with this movement
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Circuit 3
- 2 Exercises / 3 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.
Exercise 1/2
8 DB 1/4 TGU
- Bend same leg as the side holding dumbbell
- Shoot dumbbell up and drive with obliques and bent leg towards upper corner
- Push away from floor with forearm
- Keep protraction in scapula throughout entire movement
Exercise 2/2
10 Crab March
- 10 reps per leg
- Feel a slight rotation with each rep
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
- 2 Exercises / 1 Lap
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.
Exercise 1/2
0:40 Child's Pose - 3 Angles
- 40 seconds at each angle
- Take some deep breaths in each position, in through the nose and out through the mouth, feeling the ribcage and belly expand. After each breath, try to crawl the fingers out even farther. This will help you to find more stretch.