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Striving to live a healthier life while honoring God in the process.

I’ve tried many workout programs and have had my share of personal trainers and nothing seemed to stick long term. I would find it hard to stay motivated because it seemed like most programs were geared toward weight loss rather than weight gain. I’ve been the same weight since high school and I’m well into my 30s and although it may seem ideal on the outside I know I’m not healthy on the inside. I suffer from crippling pain in my lower back and knees and my body is incredibly stiff. I also have 0 energy most of the time and struggle to get through the day without feeling exhausted. I also realize this may have contributed to my depression as well.

I decided to join MA60 because I felt I could not only see the difference in others with similar bodies to mine, but Massy really seemed passionate about strength and overall wellness. Nutrition was my biggest road block and I felt like that was the hardest place to find a realistic guide with meals I could actually see myself eating. I want to really push myself to become stronger, not just for myself but also as a way to glorify God and show c Him how grateful I am for the temple He gave me.

A strong body + A strong mind = A strong follower ✝️🤍