Diet plays a huge role in our overall health. You could be hitting the gym every day and still feel like you’re not making those noticeable changes in appearance or health. This could be because you’re eating foods that are causing inflammation or are unbalanced in carbs, fat and protein. Changing your body involves a combination of increasing activity and targeting nutrition.

Take our TRU Macros quiz to find out how you can set your goals toward achieving the body of your dreams.
Here are some tips on how to begin the transformation toward living a healthier lifestyle:
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Be Mindful of What You’re Eating
- Changing your physique and lifestyle takes a change in diet and commitment to exercise for most people. This change starts within the mind. Start becoming aware of what you’re eating throughout the day and what effects those foods will have on your body and mind.
- The next step is to gain the knowledge for what nutrients your specific body needs. For help in this area, visit !
- Our programming at TRU Training is meant to guide your transition to a full lifestyle change. “Your new life will cost you your old one.”
Eating Whole Foods is the Best Way to Get Nutrients Straight From the Source
- Cooking your own meals is the best way to know what is actually going into your body.
- Ordering from restaurants introduces unknown amounts of oil, sugar and other mystery ingredients that could be added to your food.
- It’s important to ask yourself what you’re putting in your body. Where did the meat come from? Where did the eggs come from? When you start thinking like this, you start pondering the origins of your food, even the lotion that you’re putting on your skin.

Get To The Root of Unhealthy Habits
- Sugar and overly processed foods can be addictive. Many products are designed to trick our minds into thinking they are “healthy” when in reality, they are filled with artificial ingredients and fillers.
- Ask yourself ‘What is the root cause of why I’m reaching for sugary or processed foods?’ Is it due to anxiety, feeling a lack of control or seeking comfort? Is it embedded in our culture? Is it for convenience?
- Becoming aware of your triggers for eating unhealthy foods is the first step toward taking your power back and choosing better habits when those tempting times arise.
Here’s Why You Should Stick to a Meal Plan
- Everyone’s body is different. We all have different rates of metabolism and different lifestyles. If you’re working out regularly, you’ll need to modify your intake to compensate for the calories that you’re burning during exercise.
- Planning out your macros ensures that you’re getting enough protein, carbs and fat for your body. Take our kickstart quiz to find out how to accurately plan your macros.
- Committing to a meal plan means you’ll be portioning correctly instead of guessing how much of one thing you should be eating.
- Sticking to your personalized meal plan will ensure that you start to feel and see results in your body. With discipline and commitment, you can do anything. Decide to commit yourself to better health. You can find more information on TRU meal plans when you purchase one of our TRU Training programs.

Cooking for Yourself is Actually More Cost Effective
- It might seem like that grocery haul is as costly as eating out these days, but actually you’ll be able to make more food and meal prep by cooking at home.
- Cooking every day might seem time-consuming at first, but once you do it for a few weeks, you’ll get the hang of it.
- You won’t need to cook every single day to be successful because you’re cooking large batches of proteins and sides and storing them for later use.

I hope these tips have inspired you to take steps toward a healthy lifestyle. I am here for you to help you reach your fitness goals, whatever those may be.
Remember, you can do anything that you put your mind to. For more resources on building and maintaining your health, check out my YouTube channel and TRU Supplements.