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Warm Up
Resistance Training Warm Up -
WEEK ONEDay 1 - Lower Body (W1)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W1)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W1)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W1)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W1)
WEEK TWODay 1 - Lower Body (W2)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W2)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W2)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W2)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W2)
WEEK THREEDay 1 - Lower Body (W3)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W3)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W3)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W3)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W3)
WEEK FOURDay 1 - Lower Body (W4)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W4)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W4)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W4)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W4)
WEEK FIVEDay 1 - Lower Body (W5)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W5)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W5)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W5)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W5)
WEEK SIXDay 1 - Lower Body (W6)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W6)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W6)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W6)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W6)
WEEK SEVENDay 1 - Lower Body (W7)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W7)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W7)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W7)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W7)
WEEK EIGHTDay 1 - Lower Body (W8)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W8)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W8)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W8)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W8)
Continuing Your JourneyNext Steps
Session 13 of 42
In Progress
Day 2 – Mobility Flow (W3)
Equipment Required

Yoga Mat

Yoga Block (Optional)
Exercise 1/14
Stand, Eyes Closed (1:00)
- Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth
Exercise 2/14
10 Reach to Sky - Inhale, Forward Fold - Exhale
- Roll forward towards the ball of foot and lift the tailbone to the sky
Exercise 3/14
8 Reverse Lunge with Overhead Reach
- Tuck hip under and keep spine long as you reach
- 8 reps per side
Exercise 4/14
Low Lunge Pose (0:30)
- Tuck hip under and keep spine long as you reach
- Hold for 30 seconds per side
Exercise 5/14
Half Split Pose (0:30)
- Keep hips even and reach toes back towards the body, actively lengthening the back of the knee
- Keep spine lengthened to maximize stretch
- If you can't touch the ground, you may place your hands on your yoga blocks on each side of the front leg
- Hold for 30 seconds per side
Exercise 6/14
Table Top Pose (0:20)
- Keep neck long and push away from the floor
- Tuck hips under to engage core and hold for 20 seconds
Exercise 7/14
Respiratory Cat Cow (10 Reps/Breaths)
- Think of connecting head to tailbone in each direction, not crunching, but keeping everything nice and lengthened
- Exhale Cat, Inhale Cow = 1 Rep
Exercise 8/14
Balancing Table - AKA Birddog (0:20)
- Engage core
- Push away from the floor and actively reach fingers and heel away from the body
- Keep knee facing towards ground
- Hold 20 seconds per side
Exercise 9/14
All Four Thread the Needle (0:30)
- Palm faces up and hips remain forward as you rotate the spine
- Hold for 30 seconds per side
Exercise 10/14
Puppy Dog (0:30)
- Try to make a 90-degree angle with your legs as you lift the hips towards the ceiling
- Hold for 30 seconds
Exercise 11/14
Child's Pose (1:00)
- Reach fingers out far before stretching back
- Hold for 1 minute
Exercise 12/14
Supine Single Leg Knee Hug (1:00)
- Leg on floor stays long
- Keep neck long and shoulders down
- Hold for 1 minute each
Exercise 13/14
Side Lying Pec Stretch (0:45)
- Hold for 45 seconds per side
Exercise 14/14
Prone Shavasana (3:00)
- Place towel on hips and forehead
- Hold for 3 minutes