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Warm Up
Resistance Training Warm Up -
WEEK ONEDay 1 - Lower Body (W1)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W1)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W1)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W1)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W1)
WEEK TWODay 1 - Lower Body (W2)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W2)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W2)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W2)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W2)
WEEK THREEDay 1 - Lower Body (W3)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W3)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W3)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W3)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W3)
WEEK FOURDay 1 - Lower Body (W4)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W4)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W4)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W4)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W4)
WEEK FIVEDay 1 - Lower Body (W5)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W5)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W5)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W5)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W5)
WEEK SIXDay 1 - Lower Body (W6)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W6)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W6)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W6)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W6)
WEEK SEVENDay 1 - Lower Body (W7)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W7)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W7)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W7)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W7)
WEEK EIGHTDay 1 - Lower Body (W8)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W8)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W8)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W8)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W8)
Continuing Your JourneyNext Steps
Session 35 of 42
In Progress
Day 4 – Mobility Flow (W7)
Equipment Required

Yoga Mat

Yoga Block (Optional)

Resistance Band or Towel
Exercise 1/15
Stand, Eyes Closed (1:00)
- Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth
Exercise 2/15
10 Infant Squats
- Keep shoulders down and core engaged
Exercise 3/15
Malasana (0:30)
- Send the tailbone straight down, pressing the knees out over the toes
- Hold for 30 seconds
Exercise 4/15
Single Leg Stance (0:30)
- Eyes closed for a challenge
- Hold for 30 seconds per leg
Exercise 5/15
Warrior 1 (0:30)
- Hold for 30 seconds per side
Exercise 6/15
Tree Pose (0:30)
- Try to get foot high on the thigh
- Hold for 30 seconds per side
Exercise 7/15
Warrior 2 (0:30)
- Hold for 30 seconds per side
Exercise 8/15
Reverse Warrior (0:15)
- 5 slow breaths
Exercise 9/15
Extended Side Angle Pose (0:30)
- Hold for 30 seconds per side
Exercise 10/15
Wide-Legged Forward Fold (1:00)
- Hold for 30 seconds each
- Think about rolling forward slightly, lifting your tailbone to the sky, and reaching the top of your head to the floor...and breathe!
Exercise 11/15
Malasana (0:30)
- Hold for 30 seconds
Exercise 12/15
Supine Overhead Reach (0:20)
- Keep shoulders down throughout movement
- Perform for 20 seconds
Exercise 13/15
10 Supine Alternating Overhead Reach
- Perform 10 reps per side
Exercise 14/15
Twisted Roots Pose (1:00)
- Hold for 1 minute per side
Exercise 15/15
Shavasana (3:00)
- Sometimes being still can be the hardest part of the entire flow. Recognize any racing thoughts and itching to go, go, go. Take deep breaths and remind yourself that it's okay to pause and just be. Take this time to let go of any unrealistic control efforts.