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Booty Program - MA365 Version

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Session 4 of 56
In Progress

Day 4: Upper Body

Repeat moves in superset fashion 4 times before moving on to next circuit.
Give yourself 30 seconds – 1 minute of rest between. 

Circuit 1

Plank to DownDog 8 Reps Each
Low Pushup ISO Hold30 Secs
Plank w/ Knee to Wrist and Elbow8 Reps Each
Dolphin Press8 Reps Each

Circuit 2

Dynamic Lolasana Lifts8 Reps Each
Lolasana ISO Hold10 Secs
Tall Kneeling Humeral CARs6 Reps Each
Plank Walkouts5 Reps

Circuit 3

Prone Block Swimmers6 Reps Each
Plank w/ Knee to Wrist Wrist Elbow Elbow6 Reps Each