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Warm Up
Resistance Training Warm Up -
WEEK ONEDay 1 - Lower Body (W1)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W1)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W1)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W1)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W1)
WEEK TWODay 1 - Lower Body (W2)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W2)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W2)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W2)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W2)
WEEK THREEDay 1 - Lower Body (W3)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W3)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W3)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W3)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W3)
WEEK FOURDay 1 - Lower Body (W4)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W4)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W4)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W4)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W4)
WEEK FIVEDay 1 - Lower Body (W5)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W5)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W5)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W5)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W5)
WEEK SIXDay 1 - Lower Body (W6)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W6)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W6)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W6)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W6)
WEEK SEVENDay 1 - Lower Body (W7)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W7)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W7)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W7)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W7)
WEEK EIGHTDay 1 - Lower Body (W8)
Day 2 - Mobility Flow (W8)
Day 3 - Upper Body (W8)
Day 4 - Mobility Flow (W8)
Day 5 - Lower Body (W8)
Continuing Your JourneyNext Steps
Session 41 of 42
In Progress
Day 5 – Lower Body (W8)
Equipment Required

Yoga Mat


Yoga Block
Workout Breakdown
Circuit 3
Start Your Workout
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Circuit 1
- 2 Exercises / 3 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.
Exercise 1/2
8 DB RDLs 3:3:3
- Keep core engaged
- Drive hips back, feeling the weight in your heels
- Keep dumbbells close to body and chest lifted, spine stays completely straight
- Lower for 3 seconds, hold at bottom for 3 seconds, then lift for 3 seconds
Exercise 2/2
8 Supine Banana ISO Hold w/ Alternating Leg Lower
- Keep arms by ears. If this is too difficult, you may lower the arms to your waist and reach forward, maintaining the contracting
- If extending the legs is too difficult, you may perform this with bent legs
- Perform 8 reps per leg
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Circuit 2
- 2 Exercises / 3 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.
Exercise 1/2
10 Wall Supported DB Lateral Lunge
- Find the heel as you lunge. The goal is to use the wall as a support so you can get deep in the lunge!
- Keep upper body lifted
- Perform 10 reps per side
Exercise 2/2
Wall 90/90 Position with Pillow or Bolster Squeeze (0:20)
- Keep heels pressed into the wall and tuck your hips under
- Hips will naturally lift off floor slightly
- Squeeze pillow (or yoga block) to activate adductors
- Hold for 20 seconds
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Circuit 3
- 2 Exercises / 3 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.
Exercise 1/2
10 Supine Hip Extension
- Tuck the hips as you lift them off the floor, pushing through the heels
- Push hips into full hip extension, then lower
- Perform 10 reps
Exercise 2/2
10 Crab March
- Push away from floor with heels of palms
- Touch elbow to opposite knee
- Perform 8 reps per side
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Circuit 4
- 3 Exercises / 3 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.
Exercise 1/3
8 SL Good Mornings
- Brace core and keep back leg from rotating outwards (knee stays facing the ground)
- Don't allow upper back/shoulders to round
- Perform 8 reps per leg
Exercise 2/3
10 KB or DB Lateral Lunge w/ Hand Off
- Drive hips back, aiming for thigh to be parallel to floor
- Perform 10 reps per side
Exercise 3/3
6 Seal Rolls
- Keep arms close to ears and shoulders down
- One full roll = 1 rep
- Perform 6 reps per side
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Circuit 5
- 2 Exercises / 3 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.
Exercise 1/2
Modified Forearm Plank w/ Hip Extension ISO Hold (0:20 Each)
- Press away from floor with forearms and tuck hips under
- Hold for 20 seconds per side
Exercise 2/2
DownDog ISO Hold (0:30)
- Press away from the floor with palms and push heels into the floor
- Hold for 30 seconds
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.