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The Weight Room Program
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DAY 1: Lower Body ISO Strength -
DAY 2: Upper Body ISO Strength
DAY 3: Lower Body ISO Strength
DAY 4: Upper Body ISO Strength
WEEK TWOLower Body ISO Strength
Upper Body ISO Strength
Lower Body ISO Strength
Upper Body ISO Strength
WEEK THREEDAY 1: Lower Body Strength
DAY 2: Upper Body Strength
DAY 3: Lower Body Strength
DAY 4: Upper Body ISO Strength
WEEK FOURDay 1: Lower Body Strength
Day 2: Upper Body Strength
Day 3: Lower Body Strength
Day 4: Upper Body Strength
WEEK FIVELower Body French Contrast
Upper Body Complex
Lower Body French Contrast
Upper Body Complex
WEEK SIXLower Body French Contrast
Upper Body Complex
Lower Body French Contrast
Upper Body Complex
WEEK SEVENLower Body Speed
Upper Body Speed
Lower Body Speed
Upper Body Speed
WEEK EIGHTLower Body Speed
Upper Body Speed
Lower Body Speed
Upper Body Speed
Session 23 of 32
In Progress
Lower Body French Contrast
Equipment Required
Workout Breakdown
Warm Up
Start Your Workout
Warm Up
- 2 Exercises / 3 Laps (Inchworm is only 2 laps)
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.

Exercise 1/2
5 Barbell RDLs
- Use about 60% of your max as your warmup, increasing weight with each set
- You can use either overhand or underhand grip
- Bend knees, keep chest up, and lift
- Track bar up and down the quads
- Use about 60% of your max as your warmup, increasing weight with each set
- You can use either overhand or underhand grip
- Bend knees, keep chest up, and lift
- Track bar up and down the quads

Exercise 2/2
6 Inchworm
- If you lack flexibility, bend the knees to reach the floor and then again when walking hands back, feeling a posterior stretch
- Goal is to eventually keep legs straight when walking out and back
- If you lack flexibility, bend the knees to reach the floor and then again when walking hands back, feeling a posterior stretch
- Goal is to eventually keep legs straight when walking out and back
30-Second Rest
- Begin timer to start rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Circuit 1
- 4 Exercises / 4 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.

Exercise 1/4
3 Barbell RDLs ~85%
- Use offset grip, even with strap
- If you don't know your max, start with 60% of what you think your max is and build up from there

Exercise 2/4
4 Bounds
- The 1:3:1 tempos have prepared you for this
- Think "load, explode"
- Arms go where glutes go
- Land with soft knees

Exercise 3/4
4 MB SL Keg Toss
- Entire foot stays connected to floor throughout movement
- Push through heel to lift and release med ball
- Play around with weight, starting with a light med ball.

Exercise 4/4
4 Band Assisted Bounds
- Use same mechanics as your bounds
- Land with soft knees
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Circuit 2
- 4 Exercises / 4 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.

Exercise 1/4
5 Val Slide Lateral Lunge ~85%
- Keep all ten toes facing forward throughout movement
- Upper body may lean forward slightly to counterbalance
- Sit back into your glutes and push through the heel to come up
Exercise 2/4
5 Heidens
- Start conservative and increase distance throughout reps
- Stay strong and locked in, landing firm and stable with soft knees
Exercise 3/4
8 DB Lateral Lunge Pulse
- Step into 45 degree angle squat
- Push away from lateral portion of foot
- Keep torso neutral
- May use kettlebells or dumbbells

Exercise 4/4
5 Assisted Heiden
- Attach a light powerband to your squat rack or another immobile object
- Use lateral portion of body to stop
- This exercise helps with athletic performance (e.g. needing to change directions quickly and often)
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Circuit 3
- 2 Exercises / 4 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.
Exercise 1/2
10 Forearm Side Plank w/ Band Hip Abduction
- Use a very light band
- Push away from floor with forearm
- Keep entire body locked in position, bottom foot pushing away from floor
Exercise 2/2
10 Forearm Side Plank Runner
- You should feel your adductors turned on as top leg pushes away from the floor with inside of foot
- Push away from floor with forearm
- Elbow connects to knee with each rep
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
- 2 Exercises / 4 Laps (Weighted Supine Crunch is only 3 laps)
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.
Exercise 1/2
30 Weighted Supine Crunch
- Choose a weight that allows you to perform movement with proper form and increase with each set (or keep the same and increase in the weeks to come)
- Protract scapula throughout the entire movement
- Don't collapse into shoulders
- Shoulder blades do not touch the ground
Exercise 2/2
1:00 Pogo Jumps
- Keep tension in core throughout entire movement
- Keep feet dorsal flexed and imagine you're jumping on a trampoline
- Think "up, up, up!"
- Perform for 30 seconds