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Each workout is designed in a circuit training style. You have three exercises which you have to follow back to back with no rest in between. Only when you complete all three exercises will you rest between sets. If you are a beginner, you can definitely rest between sets if they are too challenging at first. The circuits this time around are designed to be performed in a vertical fashion. You will perform the first three exercises of your first circuit, then move down to the next. You’ll perform three rounds of each circuit. if you are a beginner, I suggest to start with very light resistance, then ramp it up slowly. The given rest times between sets are given for more of light/moderate resistance weight, if you are actually lifting super heavy on these exercises, then you can rest more between those sets to allow your muscles to recover before lifting again.

When should I drink a protein shake and how many should I drink per day?
It all depends on your lifestyle. For example I recommend having a protein shake right after your workout to help you avoid missing the metabolic window that helps repair the muscle fibers you have broken during exercise and therefore create hypertrophy. If your lifestyle means you will wake up super early before heading to work (4:00am-5:00am) and you do not have enough time to digest a full meal before starting your workout, then you can have the protein shake as a pre workout, and have your breakfast immediately after the workout.

How much water should I drink per day?
Your body confuses hunger for thirst, if you do not drink enough water you might be actually thirsty and not hungry. Making sure you drink enough water also guarantees you aren’t dehydrated as you will be losing a lot of water through perspiration. Being dehydrated can lead to low energy levels, water retention, dull skin, poor recovery from workouts, and headaches. I recommend a minimum of 2 liters a day, not including the water you use for your protein shakes. I personally drink 3 liters of water daily on days I workout.

Do I still drink a protein shake on days we only stretch and foam roll?
Yes. If you are following the plant based program then you need the shakes in order to reach your recommended amount of protein. The high quality plant based protein powder from Tru Supplements (or the brand that you ended up purchasing), is an effective way to up your protein intake while staying away from processed plant based meats. I personally enjoy the shakes as part of my daily nutrition as it is one of my go to snacks and late night sweet tooth “curver”. 

I do not like chicken, can I substitute with fish?
On your program there is a “ Foods allowed” list and you can swap out any item you do not like for the ones on that list. Be aware of the mercury levels of fish so if you choose to swap out for more fish, stick to small fish lower in mercury like: salmon, pollock, herring, shrimp, sole, trout, flounder, and haddock. If you have the budget to buy wild caught, I suggest you do. If you are on a budget you can always buy it frozen as well instead of fresh.

How much weight should I use during workouts?
Weight will be relevant to your own strength so telling you a specific number cannot be done. Whether you are trying to put on muscle, or trying to come down in weight, gaining muscle is key for a toned looking Physique. This means you need to put stress on the muscle you are trying to grow with a resistance that will create muscle fatigue. What i mean by this is that if i give you a specific amount of reps, you need to grab a resistance that helps you complete all these repetitions while the last couple of reps are extremely hard to complete. If you read 12 or 15 reps, you should not feel like you could have done more with the amount of weight you picked. A good rule to follow is to do a warm up set then if you do your first set and feel like you could have gone heavier, then work on going heavier on your next set and writing it down to keep track of your workouts.

What is the latest time you can eat?
Allow yourself an hour before you go to sleep. We split meals consistently throughout the day to keep our metabolism running. We eat most of our starch heavy meals during the day and early afternoon, while cutting down on the starches and fruits at night as we get less active during this time. If you find yourself up very late at night, choose a source of lean protein and load your plate with vegetables as your go to late meal.

What do I do if I miss a workout?
If you miss a workout just go back to the regular schedule. Please do not try to squeeze two workouts on the same day as you will only be overtraining, and this could lead to injury. If you are going to miss a workout just follow the meal guide and get back to work. You can make it up at another day and use the missed workout as a rest day. 

How much cardio should I be doing?
Stick to the cardio schedule of the program. Doing too much and over exerting your body not only will be detrimental, but it might also be compromising the muscle you are trying to build to get that toned physique, bigger glutes, etc. 

How much food should I buy for the week?
Look at your meal plan and the serving sizes for each item written and do your best to do the math for the entire week. When it comes to carbs like rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa, and other items we have on the list, the great thing is that those items will last you a long time without spoiling in your cabinet. For your proteins 16 ounces equals 1lb so if your plan calls for 4oz of protein for that particular meal, and you are eating 7 days a week, then that equals 2 ½ lbs ( when you cook your protein it will lose water). Always read the plan first and multiply the serving by 7. Always read the nutritional labels of the foods you are purchasing as it will tell you the servings per package determining how much to buy.

Can I substitute meals? Do I have to eat the same foods everyday?
The way I have set the program is to balance out all macro and micro nutrients. Try to follow the program as best as you can the way I have written it, as this will ensure you get the results you expect. You can always try to substitute items of the same nutritional value, and play around with your meal plan. Try to avoid going off it too far.

Can I split up my workouts if i don’t have enough time?
Yes you can. You can split up your cardio and your strength training. So for example you can do your strength training in the morning then do the cardio in the afternoon or vice versa. Try to follow the program as best as you can and do your post workout cardio after your strength training but if you have to, yes you can split them.

I am currently breastfeeding, what can I do?
Always monitor your milk supply. To make sure your milk production doesn’t start running low, add more carbs to your meals. For example, one extra slice of sprouted bread for breakfast, 2-3oz extra of sweet potato at lunch, adding a serving of healthy carbs to dinner from the foods allowed list, In a nutshell, add an extra 500 calories to the plan.

I just want to lose fat around my stomach, what is the best way to do this?
Targeting weight loss in one specific area is not how the body works. Your body loses fat / weight all around. Depending on your genetics, the body will lose fat around some areas faster than others. To ensure you speed up this process around your waistline, avoid consuming alcohol at all times during this program. Also avoid consuming sugars at night, even if its fruit. 

I just want to lose fat around my stomach, what is the best way to do this?
Targeting weight loss in one specific area is not how the body works. Your body loses fat / weight all around. Depending on your genetics, the body will lose fat around some areas faster than others. To ensure you speed up this process around your waistline, avoid consuming alcohol at all times during this program. Also avoid consuming sugars at night, even if its fruit.

I’ve heard you need a fat burner to really lose fat, is this true?
No, you do not NEED a fat burner to lose fat during this program. You will see amazing results without it. If you are going to use a fat burner I would recommend the Tru Metabolism from Tru Supplements since it is a NCAA safe product and it’s ingredients are safe. This fat burner supplement will definitely help you maximize your results. Despite this, never think that fat burners are the answer to decreasing your overall fat percentage.

AM & PM Meal Plans?
I’ve structured my AM & PM meal plans to fit your schedule, if you workout in the morning then follow the AM meal plan, if at night then follow the PM meal plan! It’s important to have your protein shake after your workout!

Can I drink coffee?
Yes, you can drink coffee as long as you make it simple. Try using unsweetened almond milk and avoid creamers. you can always sweeten with stevia or add a little bit of protein powder to make it creamy.

Can I drink alcohol?
I suggest you too not. If you feel like drinking a glass of wine, that’s definitely doable, but partying with margaritas the whole night will set you back. Those are empty calories and your body stops doing all body processes like burning fat, to get rid of that alcohol. Not only will you drink tons of sugar and unnecessary calories, but it will store as fat around your belly and encourage cellulite.